Dual magnetic stir controller
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Michael Wesemann a11d33d0d3 bug fix
2019-10-02 14:53:01 +02:00
cad updated support files 2019-09-28 21:22:29 +02:00
images bug fix 2019-10-02 14:53:01 +02:00
libraries libraries added 2019-03-20 13:42:21 +01:00
nanoshield bug fix 2019-10-02 14:53:01 +02:00
unoshield updated support files 2019-09-28 21:22:29 +02:00
.gitignore updated support files 2019-09-28 21:22:29 +02:00
README.md bug fix 2019-10-02 14:53:01 +02:00
stir.ino bug fix 2019-10-02 14:53:01 +02:00
stirctl improved encoder behavior 2019-07-07 16:16:53 +02:00

Dual magnetic stir controller


This is the Arduino sketch to build a double magnetic stirrer based on 2 fans, a 1602 LCD display, a KY-040 encoder and an Arduino (e.g. Uno, Nano, Leonardo, Pro Micro).

In order to put the stirrer into operation you have to change the settings in stir.ino according to your setup.


This project was created based on an idea from the german Hobbybrauer-Forum and would not be possible without the ideas from there.

The forum: https://hobbybrauer.de/

The thread: https://hobbybrauer.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1456

Special thanks for development and testing:

  • Herbert Schmid
  • Adrian Sigel
  • Jens Warkentin
  • Bastian Werner

Successor project of: https://github.com/micworg/stir

Overview of Functions

All functions are controlled by the KY-040 encoder:

  • Short Press: change between menu, stirrer 1 and stirrer 2
  • Turn when menu is selected: change between menu items (SPEED, BOOST, BTIME, CATCH, CTIME)
  • Long press when menu is selected: lock all functions (unlock also by long press)
  • When a stirrer is selected:
    • SPEED: turn sets speed, long press switches stirrer on or off.
    • BOOST: turn sets boost speed, long press activates/deactivates the boost function (running time is shown in the display).
    • BTIME: turn changes the boost time in minutes.
    • CATCH: turn activates/deactivates the fishing function
    • CTIME: turn changes the interval in minutes for the fish catching function
    • RTIME: turn changes speed rise time in seconds (applies to power on, stirrer on, boost on and fish catching)
    • OTIME: turn changes switch off time in hours (the timer activates immediately, 0 = switch off disabled)
    • RNVAL: random value range (a random values in this range will be added to speed)
  • Other menu options:
    • BRGHT: LCD brightness

Display Indicators:

  • Bottom Left: Menu
  • Bottom Center/Right: displays the set values for the stirrers depending on the selected menu item.
  • Top Center/Right: displays the current stirrer speed (or 'OFF' or 'CAT' (Fishing)).
  • Top Left: shows the remaining time of the boost or switch off function.

Settings (in stir.ino)

Value Description
SPEEDINC increment of speed values when turning the encoder
FANMIN fan minimum speed (should be a value at which the fan runs safely) (rpm)
FANMAX maximum speed of the fan (it is important that this is the real maximum value of the fan) (rpm)
BOFF if set boost off will also turn the normal mode off
BINC boost time increment (min)
CINC catch time increment (min)
RINC rise time increment (sec)
OINC off timer increment (hour)
CATCHSTOP stop interval for stir fish catch function (ms)
PWM0, PWM1 PWM output pins for fan speed
PWM2 PWM output pin for LCD brightness control
I0, I1 interrupts for rpm measurement (2 and 3 for Leonardo and ProMicro / 0 and 1 for Uno)
CLK, DT, SW pins for KY-040 encoder
R0, R0 voltage select relais pin
OFFSTATE voltage switch threshold (rpm)
RINTERVAL regulation interval (ms)
RDELAY extra regulation delay when value changes (ms)
RTOL regulation tolerance (rpm)
RNDINTERVL randon value range change interval (ms)
SINTERVAL speed measurement interval (ms)
SAVERAGE speed measurement average
SAVETAG parameter save identifier
SAVEDELAY delay in seconds before parameter will be saved to EEPROM
LCDB LCD brightness steps (10 values, 0=off, 255=max)