This commit is contained in:
Michael Wesemann 2019-10-09 08:41:24 +02:00
parent c8da085c22
commit cc60e10a33

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@ -92,38 +92,37 @@ Functions in the congirutation menu
## Settings (in stir.ino) ## Settings (in stir.ino)
|Value|Config Menu Name|Description| |Value|Config Menu Name|Description|
|:----|:---------------|:----------| |:----------------|:-----|:----------|
|`LGHT`|`LGHT`|LCD display brightness| |`LGHT` |`LGHT`|LCD display brightness|
|`SPEEDINC1` |`SPI1`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (1. range)| |`SPEEDINC1` |`SPI1`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (1. range)|
|`SPEEDINC2` |`SPI2`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (2. range)| |`SPEEDINC2` |`SPI2`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (2. range)|
|`SPEEDINC3` |`SPI3`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (3. range)| |`SPEEDINC3` |`SPI3`|increment of speed values when turning the encoder (3. range)|
|`SPEEDSTEP1`|`SPS1`|speed increment steps (increment changes at these values, separates range 1 and 2)| |`SPEEDSTEP1` |`SPS1`|speed increment steps (increment changes at these values, separates range 1 and 2)|
|`SPEEDSTEP2`|`SPS2`|speed increment steps (increment changes at these values, separates range 2 and 3))| |`SPEEDSTEP2` |`SPS2`|speed increment steps (increment changes at these values, separates range 2 and 3))|
|`FANMIN` |`FMIN`|fan minimum speed (should be a value at which the fan runs safely) (rpm)| |`FANMIN` |`FMIN`|fan minimum speed (should be a value at which the fan runs safely) (rpm)|
|`FANMAX` |`FMAX`|maximum speed of the fan (it is important that this is the real maximum value of the fan) |`FANMAX` |`FMAX`|maximum speed of the fan (it is important that this is the real maximum value of the fan) (rpm)|
|`FANINIT` |`FINI`|set fan to hight voltage at boot (3 sec)| |`FANINIT` |`FINI`|set fan to hight voltage at boot (3 sec)|
|`BOFF` |`BOFF`|if set boost off will also turn the normal mode off| |`BOFF` |`BOFF`|if set boost off will also turn the normal mode off|
|`BINC` |`BINC`|boost time increment (min)| |`BINC` |`BINC`|boost time increment (min)|
|`CINC` |`CINC`|catch time increment (min)| |`CINC` |`CINC`|catch time increment (min)|
|`RINC` |`RINC`|rise time increment (sec)| |`RINC` |`RINC`|rise time increment (sec)|
|`OINC` |`OINC`|off timer increment (hour)| |`OINC` |`OINC`|off timer increment (hour)|
|`RNDINC`|`RINC`|randon value increment (rpm)| |`RNDINC` |`RINC`|randon value increment (rpm)|
|`CATCHSTOP`|`CSTP`|stop interval for stir fish catch function (ms)| |`CATCHSTOP` |`CSTP`|stop interval for stir fish catch function (ms)|
|`PWM0`, `PWM1`||PWM output pins for fan speed| |`PWM0`, `PWM1` | |PWM output pins for fan speed|
|`PWM2`||PWM output pin for LCD brightness control| |`PWM2` | |PWM output pin for LCD brightness control|
|`I0`, `I1`||interrupts for rpm measurement (2 and 3 for Leonardo and ProMicro / 0 and 1 for Uno)| |`I0`, `I1` | |interrupts for rpm measurement (2 and 3 for Leonardo and ProMicro / 0 and 1 for Uno)|
|`SWAPENC`|`SWEN`|switch KY-040 encoder direxction (0/1)| |`SWAPENC` |`SWEN`|switch KY-040 encoder direxction (0/1)|
|`CLK`, `DT`, `SW`||pins for KY-040 encoder| |`CLK`, `DT`, `SW`| |pins for KY-040 encoder|
|`R0`, `R0`||voltage select relais pin| |`R0`, `R0` | |voltage select relais pin|
|`RTHRES`|`RTHR`|voltage switch threshold (rpm)| |`RTHRES` |`RTHR`|voltage switch threshold (rpm)|
|`RINTERVAL`||regulation interval (ms)| |`RINTERVAL` | |regulation interval (ms)|
|`RDELAY`||extra regulation delay when value changes (ms)| |`RDELAY` | |extra regulation delay when value changes (ms)|
|`RTOL`||regulation tolerance (rpm)| |`RTOL` | |regulation tolerance (rpm)|
|`RNDINTERVL`|`RINT`|randon value range change interval (ms)| |`RNDINTERVL` |`RINT`|randon value range change interval (ms)|
|`SINTERVAL`||speed measurement interval (ms)| |`SINTERVAL` | |speed measurement interval (ms)|
|`SAVERAGE`||speed measurement average| |`SAVERAGE` | |speed measurement average|
|`SAVETAG`||parameter save identifier| |`SAVETAG` | |parameter save identifier|
|`SAVEDELAY`||delay in seconds before parameter will be saved to EEPROM| |`SAVEDELAY` | |delay in seconds before parameter will be saved to EEPROM|
|`LCDB`||LCD brightness steps (10 values, 0=off, 255=max)| |`LCDB` | |LCD brightness steps (10 values, 0=off, 255=max)|